Storyworth & Simple Pleasures

Last Mother’s Day my son gave me one of the best gifts ( I am in a sense writing my autobiography through a weekly directed journal question. The collection will be printed in a bound book with each of my three kids receiving a copy. Through my writings I have gotten closer with my children because they have gotten to know me as a person with faults and dreams rather than just “Mom”. Maria said, “Mom, I didn’t know you were such a good writer!” which was encouraging because I didn’t know it either and that compliment from an English major I’ll take! Duncan has texted, “best story yet!” and “whoa, I really cried. So good”. Rachel says she is awaiting the hardbound book to read in the mornings over coffee (definitely more her style)

Today we are in the Covid-19 crisis and only leaving the house for a trip to Trader Joe’s and walks around the neighborhood. It’s hard to believe just a little over a month ago I wrote this answer to the question below.

I hope you and yours are well and perhaps you can reflect on what simple pleasures you are enjoying today.


(February 14, 2020)

I love this and it’s the perfect question to consider the day before our 2nd Annual simplify•connect•enjoy yoga retreat at Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort in Nosara, Costa Rica. I am even going to give it as a question to consider at the beginning of our first afternoon meditation & restorative class!

For me there are many simple pleasures and they vary in “importance” on the scale even though I enjoy them all.

That first sip of morning coffee is so simple and something to be enjoyed each time, but it doesn’t come close to the simple pleasure of watching my three kids when they are reunited, laughing & seeing their own simple joy because they’re together.

Then there’s the magic of walking along the beach in the morning with my feet kicking through the waves. And this year I discovered a rock barrier that created the perfect pool to swim at low tide. It was such a gift to be able to enjoy a morning ocean swim without waves to jostle my neck.

ocean pools

The first downward facing dog of the day and feeling my body wake up & adjust (no matter how long the mind has been awake) is something I continue to enjoy. Then there’s licking an ice cream cone! I never understand why someone would choose a spoon over a cone. The taste is magnified by the shear act of licking the scoop from bottom to top. And I feel the same about straws! Enjoy drinking from them as well.


When I start a new book and I have that thought, “This is going to be good!”. What a thrill!

Lastly today is February 14, 2020 and I cannot leave out the simple pleasure of when Scott walks into the room & smiles. When his eyes crinkle I love that moment when I think to myself, “he is all mine!”.